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Parashat Ki Tetzei

Dear Friends,

In this week's Thora portion Moses enumerates many laws that relate to the topic of family relationships, ethics and forbidden mixtures.

One of the laws that is stated is that ''no male garment shall be upon a woman nor any woman's garment be upon a man.''

The Thora seems to indicate that there must be a firm boundary between masculinity and femininity.

Not in the way that one is superior to the other, but rather that each should be treasured in it's own right.

This, is an important fact that is often misunderstood.

The reason for a firm distinction between male and female in a way where each is treasured in it's own right is of great essence in our tradition.

The blurring of the distinction between male and female through outward appearance, endangers order and stability.

The world was created by means of a series of separations. Heaven from earth, light from darkness, water from land. In addition, there is a distinction and a division of human from animal, and man from woman. Actions that blur the boundaries that uphold Creation might threaten the integrity, order and stability of the Creation, and introduce the threat of chaos.

After leaving the chaos of Egypt and going through the chaos in the dessert Moses enumerates the Laws of order and stability for a good reason.

The often misunderstood reason is that there is great beauty in the feminine and there is great beauty in the masculine and we should treasure both equally and by that we uphold the order and stability of our families, Communities and the Creation as a whole.


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