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Parashat Eikev

In this Torah portion, Moses continues his speech to the Israelites.

“Remember the entire path along which G-D has led you these 40 years in the wilderness. G-D let you go hungry, then gave you manna in order to have you know that it is not by bread alone that man can make a life for himself, but that man can live by everything that comes from G-D. Therefore hold fast upon your heart the knowledge that as a man trains his son, so does G-D train you.”

Think of something that you’ve recently accomplished.

Now think of the exact things beyond your control that contributed to that accomplishment. For example loving parents, an outstanding teacher, that job that opened up at just the right moment.

Parashat Eikev inspires us to look deeper and insists on our gratitude and appreciation.

It teaches that Moses reminds the Israelites that their accomplishments are not solely the result of their own efforts.

Once we come to see how true this is our appreciation can flourish, and in effect so can we...


Gut Shabbes

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