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The Jewish Community of the Algarve, as it exists today, owes its existence to a dedicated group of Jews hailing from diverse backgrounds around the world. This group includes Portuguese Sephardic, French and Israeli Jews. 

The Yitshaik family, who trace their roots to Dutch (Ashkenazi) and Israeli (Iraqi) heritage, founded the Ezra & Sasoon Synagogue and facilitated the extraordinary growth of the Community.

To explain you what the Community is all about we would love to share with you a beautiful thought related to a verse in the Thora in Parashat RE`EH. It is short and sweet.

Stick with us for just a minute, we are sure you will love it!


In the Parasha we read: "You Shall Be Joyful"

The Torah seems to command us to be happy, but are our feelings within our control?

In this context, “be joyful” is better translated as, “to rejoice.”

How do we rejoice?

To rejoice we will need to do a series of actions.

We should come together with family, workers, and various people in our community.

So the commandment to be joyful, or to rejoice, is really a commandment to throw a party, to have a celebration, to bring people together from whatever Jewish background.

In addition, we must make sure that even those on the margins of society are included.

Our joy isn’t really joy if it’s available only for the privileged.


To conclude, this commandment isn’t to “feel joyful,” but rather to get out into community and celebrate with each other.

No better description of who we are and what we are all about could match the JCA.


That is what we do best: we bring Jewish people from all backgrounds together and celebrate in unity!


Our primary aim is to organize Minyanim and religious services. For that matter the founders have brought two Thora Scrolls from Israel to the Synagogue. At the same time the The Jewish Community of the Algarve promotes Jewish life in the Algarve in every possible way. From Kosher food with Hechsher to a Kids Club. From Kiddush on Sabbath to Friday Night dinners. From Bar Mitzwas to the celebrations of the festivals.


Our goals and dreams are to further build and expand the Jewish infrastructure in the Algarve. At the moment the use of the premises of the Synagogue are offered by the founding family. This premises has quickly become to small to serve the Community. Our goal is to have a proper Community Center that will house a Synagogue, Mikve, Kosher food facilities, a study room and Library and that can offer activities and classes for children as well.

With your donation we will make it happen!


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